Wednesday, May 2, 2007

I, Robot’s NS-5 and VIKI Robots

The NS-5 robot from the movie I, Robot is a pretty basic in the sense that it does not do anything special. It is built to be about the same size as an adult. The robot looks similar to a human in that is has the same facial features of a person minus hair and skin but it has arms, legs, and a body of similar size and proportion to the average person. The purpose of the NS-5 is to be a companion for its owner weather that involves doing chores, helping the owner in their daily activities, or playing with the owner’s kids. The robot is able to identify people, interact with them, identify risks, and help protect/save their owner from these risks. The NS-5 follows Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics to help guide the robot in its daily routines and interactions.
The only way to improve upon the NS-5 that I can think of is to have it look more human. I think it would be better to cover up the robot’s wires and joints better; this would make the robot look more lifelike while at the same time help prevent important parts from being damaged.
VIKI, which stands for Virtual Interactive Kinetic Intelligence, is a central brain for all of the NS-5s. This robot sends updated software to each of the NS-5 units whenever it is developed. Because of its ability to use logic and reason, VIKI develops its own interpretation of Asimov’s three laws that commands the NS-5s to put its owners under house arrest in order to prevent them from harm such as crime and pollution.
Obviously to improve upon this robot’s design I would put in safety measures that would prevent VIKI from having all the NS-5s put owners under house arrest.

I, Robot Website:

Picture of the NS-5:

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